At least seven persons, including students, on Wednesday died in a boat mishap that occurred at Akere, Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State, witnesses said.

The accident, which, according to reports, occurred at about 11am on the waterways, midway between Akere and Apa in Badagry, also left several others missing.

Reports say the incident happened when the boat conveying passengers and goods broke down midway into the journey.

According to eyewitnesses, the boat was overloaded and passengers did not put on standard life jackets.

“The boat was conveying the passengers, including secondary school students, several bags of garri and nine motorcycles,” one of the eyewitnesses said.

Chairman of Ipokia Local Government, Senayon Josu, said four persons died in the mishap while 10 survived. But witnesses claim seven persons died in the incidence. 

He said a rescue team comprising marine policemen, operatives of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps and local divers were helping in the rescue operation.

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